"Premoli, Roberto" <roberto.prem...@pfizer.com> writes:

> Avendo un hardware con un bios non evoluto, non ho la possibilita' di
> impostare da bios la frequenza di lavoro (clock).
> Lo scopo e' abbassare la frequenza di lavoro (e magari anche il
> voltaggio di alimentazione della cpu) per far generare meno calore e
> abbassare i consumi dell'hardware che e' dedicato a combiti banali, non
> richiedenti eccessivi carichi di lavoro.
> Domanda: con qualche "magia" a livello di /proc si puo' fare quancosa?
> Stiamo parlando di un portatile dualcore, vorrei fare in modo che ANCHE
> qunado e' alimentato a rete elettrica la velocita' dei core sia bassa
> come se fosse alimentato a batteria.

Io uso cpufreq con ampia soddisfazione

,----[ cpufreqd.conf ]
| # this is a comment
| # see CPUFREQD.CONF(5) manpage for a complete reference
| #
| # Note: ondemand/conservative Profiles are disabled because
| #       they are not available on many platforms.
| [General]
| pidfile=/var/run/cpufreqd.pid
| poll_interval=2
| verbosity=4
| enable_remote=1
| remote_group=root
| [/General]
| #[acpi]
| #acpid_socket=/var/run/acpid.socket
| #[/acpi]
| #[nforce2_atxp1]
| #vcore_path=/some/path
| #vcore_default=1500
| #[/nforce2_atxp1]
| #[sensors_plugin]
| #sensors_conf=/some/file
| #[/sensors_plugin]
| [Profile]
| name=On Demand High
| minfreq=40%
| maxfreq=100%
| policy=ondemand
| [/Profile]
| [Profile]
| name=On Demand Low
| minfreq=20%
| maxfreq=80%
| policy=ondemand
| [/Profile]
| [Profile]
| name=Performance High
| minfreq=100%
| maxfreq=100%
| policy=performance
| #exec_post=echo 8 > /proc/acpi/sony/brightness
| [/Profile]
| [Profile]
| name=Performance Low
| minfreq=80%
| maxfreq=80%
| policy=performance
| [/Profile]
| [Profile]
| name=Powersave High
| minfreq=60%
| maxfreq=40%
| policy=powersave
| [/Profile]
| [Profile]
| name=Powersave Low
| minfreq=40%
| maxfreq=40%
| policy=powersave
| [/Profile]
| #[Profile]
| #name=Conservative High
| #minfreq=33%
| #maxfreq=100%
| #policy=conservative
| #[/Profile]
| #[Profile]
| #name=Conservative Low
| #minfreq=0%
| #maxfreq=66%
| #policy=conservative
| #[/Profile]
| ##
| # Basic states
| ##
| # when AC use performance mode
| [Rule]
| name=AC Rule
| ac=on                    # (on/off)
| profile=On Demand High
| [/Rule]
| # stay in performance mode for the first minutes
| [Rule]
| name=AC Off - High Battery
| ac=off                   # (on/off)
| battery_interval=70-100
| #exec_post=echo 5 > /proc/acpi/sony/brightness
| profile=Powersave High
| [/Rule]
| # conservative mode when not AC
| [Rule]
| name=AC Off - Medium Battery
| ac=off                   # (on/off)
| battery_interval=30-70
| #exec_post=echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sony/brightness
| profile=Powersave Low
| [/Rule]
| # conservative mode when not AC
| [Rule]
| name=AC Off - Low Battery
| ac=off                   # (on/off)
| battery_interval=0-30
| #exec_post=echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sony/brightness
| profile=Powersave Low
| [/Rule]
| ##
| # Special Rules
| ##
| # CPU Too hot!
| [Rule]
| name=CPU Too Hot
| acpi_temperature=55-100
| cpu_interval=50-100
| profile=Performance Low
| [/Rule]
| # use performance mode if I'm watching a movie
| # I don't care for batteries! 
| # But don't heat too much.
| [Rule]
| name=Movie Watcher
| programs=xine,mplayer,gmplayer
| battery_interval=0-100
| acpi_temperature=0-60
| cpu_interval=0-100
| profile=On Demand High
| [/Rule]

                    A mali estremi, estremi rimedi.
                                -- Ippocrate, "Aforismi"

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