Ciao ragazzi,
ho un problemino con la mia stampante. Ho scritto più volte sul forum di (potete controllare, il forum è hp), ma non mi hanno mai risposto... Chiaramente ho anche googlato un po', ma anche qui nisba: mi siete rimasti solo voi! Allora, ho una HP DeskJet 5652 (ovvero serie 5600) che fino a poco tempo fa mi funzionava benissimo, ma da quache tempo non stampa più niente. Evidentemente devo aver installato/disinstallato qualche pacchetto, ma mi sa che la causa più probabile del non funzionamento deve essere stata l'upgrade di CUPS. Ecco un po' di dettagli. La stampante mi viene correttamente riconosciuta, facendo un cat di /proc/bus/usb/devices è infatti presente la seguente sezione:

T:  Bus=03 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  2 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=03f0 ProdID=6104 Rev= 1.00
S:  Manufacturer=hp
S:  Product=deskjet 5600
S:  SerialNumber=MY41T4M16Q89
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr=  2mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=07(print) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=usblp
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

Ma configurando la stampante (tramite browser accedendo a http://localhost:631/printers oppure che l'utility Gestione stampanti di KDE) non viene stampato niente! Ho allora scaricato il software hplip, come consigliato su Questo software installa un backend per le stampanti hp: il device della stampante sarà (nel mio caso)


Il software hplip è inoltre dotato di alcune utility. Una di queste è hp-info, la quale visualizza:

$ hp-info

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 0.9.7)
Device Information Utility ver. 3.2

Copyright (c) 2003-5 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

Using device: hp:/usb/hp_deskjet_5600?serial=MY41T4M16Q89

Device Parameters:
  Parameter                     Value(s)
---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

Model Parameters:
  Parameter                     Value(s)
---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  model                         hp_deskjet_5600
  model-ui                      HP Deskjet 5600

Status History:
  Date/Time                     Status Description (code)
---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
  29/01/2006 17:07:31           Unsupported printer model. (1900)

Da notare che mi dice "Unsupported printer model" quando invece la stampante è supportata. Inoltre se tento di configurare la stampante dal browser o da KDE non mi viene rivelato nessun device hp! In poche parole: penso di aver configurato tutto correttamente, ma la stampante non mi viene vista con tale configurazione (che è quella corretta) e quindi non posso stampare niente!
Per ultimo vi inserisco i log:

# tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log
d [29/Jan/2006:17:23:02 +0100] FindBest: Location CUPS_INTERNAL_BROWSE_ACL Limit 0
d [29/Jan/2006:17:23:02 +0100] FindBest: best = "/"
d [29/Jan/2006:17:23:02 +0100] IsAuthorized: auth = 0, satisfy=0...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:23:02 +0100] get_file: 5 filename=/usr/share/cups/doc/favicon.ico size=-1
D [29/Jan/2006:17:23:02 +0100] SendError: 5 code=404 (Not Found)
D [29/Jan/2006:17:23:02 +0100] CloseClient: 5
d [29/Jan/2006:17:23:02 +0100] CloseClient: Removing fd 5 from InputSet and OutputSet... d [29/Jan/2006:17:23:03 +0100] select_timeout: 12 seconds to send browse update d [29/Jan/2006:17:23:15 +0100] select_timeout: 71 seconds to send browse update d [29/Jan/2006:17:24:26 +0100] select_timeout: 71 seconds to send browse update
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient(lis=0x8088c40) 0 NumClients = 0
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient: Adding fd 5 to InputSet...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 5, used=0, file=-1
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] decode_auth(0xb7b12008): Authorization string = ""
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] decode_auth: 5 username=""
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] IsAuthorized: con->uri = "/"
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: uri = "/"...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location / Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /classes Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /classes/name Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /jobs Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /printers Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /printers/name Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /admin Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location CUPS_INTERNAL_BROWSE_ACL Limit 0
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: best = "/"
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] IsAuthorized: auth = 0, satisfy=0...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] POST /
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] CONTENT_TYPE = application/ipp
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 5 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 238, con->file = -1 d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest(0xb7b12008[5]): operation_id = 4002
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] get_printers(0xb7b12008[5], 0)
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] add_printer_state_reasons(0xb7b12008[5], 0x8095f38[hp_deskjet_5652]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] add_queued_job_count(0xb7b12008[5], 0x8095f38[hp_deskjet_5652]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attrs(0x836d428, 0x8093768, 0x836cf50, 0) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d428, 0x8093790[printer-uri-supported,4,45]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d428, 0x80938d0[printer-name,4,42]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d428, 0x8093928[printer-location,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d428, 0x8093978[printer-info,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d428, 0x8093bc8[device-uri,4,45]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d428, 0x8093c68[printer-make-and-model,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attrs(0x836d428, 0x808ad60, 0x836cf50, 0)
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest: Adding fd 5 to OutputSet...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] WriteClient: Removing fd 5 from OutputSet...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient(lis=0x8088c40) 0 NumClients = 1
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631.
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient: Adding fd 7 to InputSet...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7, used=0, file=-1
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] decode_auth(0xb7b14c3c): Authorization string = ""
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] decode_auth: 7 username=""
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] IsAuthorized: con->uri = "/"
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: uri = "/"...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location / Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /classes Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /classes/name Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /jobs Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /printers Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /printers/name Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /admin Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location CUPS_INTERNAL_BROWSE_ACL Limit 0
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: best = "/"
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] IsAuthorized: auth = 0, satisfy=0...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] POST /
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] CONTENT_TYPE = application/ipp
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 239, con->file = -1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7, used=0, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 231, con->file = -1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7, used=0, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 196, con->file = -1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7, used=0, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 162, con->file = -1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7, used=124, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 7 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 125, con->file = -1 d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest(0xb7b14c3c[7]): operation_id = 4002
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] get_printers(0xb7b14c3c[7], 0)
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] add_printer_state_reasons(0xb7b14c3c[7], 0x8095f38[hp_deskjet_5652]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] add_queued_job_count(0xb7b14c3c[7], 0x8095f38[hp_deskjet_5652]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attrs(0x836e910, 0x8093768, 0x836cf50, 0) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836e910, 0x8093790[printer-uri-supported,4,45]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836e910, 0x80938d0[printer-name,4,42]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836e910, 0x8093928[printer-location,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836e910, 0x8093978[printer-info,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836e910, 0x8093bc8[device-uri,4,45]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836e910, 0x8093c68[printer-make-and-model,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attrs(0x836e910, 0x808ad60, 0x836cf50, 0)
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest: Adding fd 7 to OutputSet... d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] select_timeout: 26 seconds to send browse update
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] WriteClient: Removing fd 7 from OutputSet...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient(lis=0x8088c40) 0 NumClients = 2
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] AcceptClient: Adding fd 8 to InputSet...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8, used=0, file=-1
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8 POST / HTTP/1.1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] decode_auth(0xb7b17870): Authorization string = ""
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] decode_auth: 8 username=""
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] IsAuthorized: con->uri = "/"
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: uri = "/"...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location / Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /classes Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /classes/name Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /jobs Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /printers Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /printers/name Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location /admin Limit 7f
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: Location CUPS_INTERNAL_BROWSE_ACL Limit 0
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] FindBest: best = "/"
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] IsAuthorized: auth = 0, satisfy=0...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] POST /
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] CONTENT_TYPE = application/ipp
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 239, con->file = -1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8, used=0, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 231, con->file = -1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8, used=0, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 196, con->file = -1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8, used=0, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 162, con->file = -1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8, used=124, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ReadClient: 8 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 125, con->file = -1 d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest(0xb7b17870[8]): operation_id = 4002
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] get_printers(0xb7b17870[8], 0)
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] add_printer_state_reasons(0xb7b17870[8], 0x8095f38[hp_deskjet_5652]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] add_queued_job_count(0xb7b17870[8], 0x8095f38[hp_deskjet_5652]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attrs(0x836d3e8, 0x8093768, 0x8094fa8, 0) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d3e8, 0x8093790[printer-uri-supported,4,45]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d3e8, 0x80938d0[printer-name,4,42]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d3e8, 0x8093928[printer-location,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d3e8, 0x8093978[printer-info,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d3e8, 0x8093bc8[device-uri,4,45]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attribute(0x836d3e8, 0x8093c68[printer-make-and-model,4,41]) d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] copy_attrs(0x836d3e8, 0x808ad60, 0x8094fa8, 0)
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest: Adding fd 8 to OutputSet... d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] select_timeout: 26 seconds to send browse update
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:11 +0100] WriteClient: Removing fd 8 from OutputSet...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:12 +0100] ReadClient: 7, used=0, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:12 +0100] ReadClient: httpGets returned EOF...
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:12 +0100] CloseClient: 7
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:12 +0100] CloseClient: Removing fd 7 from InputSet and OutputSet...
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:12 +0100] ReadClient: 8, used=0, file=-1
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:12 +0100] ReadClient: httpGets returned EOF...
D [29/Jan/2006:17:25:12 +0100] CloseClient: 8
d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:12 +0100] CloseClient: Removing fd 8 from InputSet and OutputSet... d [29/Jan/2006:17:25:13 +0100] select_timeout: 24 seconds to send browse update

Scusate per il post lungo, spero che così sia più chiaro. Ah, uso una Debian testing.

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