On Thu, 20. Feb 08:54 Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:53 PM, Markus Koschany wrote:
> > I downloaded the missing sources from upstream's git repository and
> > created an extra source tarball, so that freemind consists of two
> > different source tarballs now. I simply removed the old flash file from
> > the old tarball. The flash browser is now built from source at build
> > time by using the additional source tarball.
> Personally I would just delete the SWF file from the source package
> and be done with it. I think Debian should encourage our upstreams to
> drop the Flash platform and replace their use of it with standard web
> stuff (HTML5, CSS, JS), at least that has some chance of having
> DFSG-free client support.
Gnash is able to handle that too. However I have no preferences for
flash but I suggest to stick with the current solution and let the
user decide.



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