On 22.06.2016 08:47, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 01:01:14AM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> On 22.06.2016 00:43, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
>>> Le 22/06/2016 à 00:28, Markus Koschany a écrit :
>>>> Houston, we have a problem. It seems the latest upstream release
>>>> requires Java 8 for building JDBC 4. In Jessie even Java 6 was
>>>> sufficient. I suggest we ship version 5.1.34 of mysql-connector-java
>>>> instead, which should build fine with Java 6/7 and also fix the security
>>>> vulnerability. If there is a better way, please let me know.
>>> We could also ignore the JDBC 4.2 classes and build with Java 7. If I'm
>>> not mistaken it's just a matter of removing this build step:
>>> https://sources.debian.net/src/mysql-connector-java/5.1.39-1/build.xml/#L903
>>> Emmanuel Bourg
>> That might be a solution. Perhaps we should also disable the testsuite
>> in
>> https://sources.debian.net/src/mysql-connector-java/5.1.39-1/build.xml/#L962
>> I am not sure if this would prevent all possible runtime errors though.
>> This would require more testing. In any case we have two options:
>> Patching 5.1.39 and make it compatible for Jessie /Wheezy or use 5.1.34
>> directly.
> I'd prefer to make 5.1.39 compatible, there might an additional 
> mysql-connector-java
> security issue in the future, for which 5.1.34 will be insufficient and then 
> we
> already have the java 7 compat sorted out.

Yup, but new vulnerabilities could well have been introduced after
5.1.34, thus we will never really know in advance, what approach had
saved us more time.

I have pushed my update for Jessie, 5.1.39-1~deb8u1, to


The debdiff is huge so I didn't bother to attach it to this e-mail.

I have rebuilt all reverse build-dependencies successfully. I have also
used the library to connect to a local mysql database. I couldn't spot
obvious regressions but I would appreciate it if more people tested the
new version.



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