I have it running with jetty8, but since the switch to jetty9 I have not been 
able to start it.

I did a fresh install of testing and apt-get install solr-jetty, I assumed it 
would just work, it installs a symlink into the contexts folder in /etc/jetty9, 
but I can’t see how or if jetty9 loads that by default, the jetty9 configs are 
so different I’m very lost and expected it to just be enabled when I install 
the package.  Also the wiki page https://wiki.debian.org/Solr 
<https://wiki.debian.org/Solr> seems very very out of date and doesn’t really 
touch on jetty. I also can not find any README file on how to get it working in 
/usr/doc for jetty9 or solr.  Any help would be appreciated, even if it’s just 
a link, I’ve googled for days and nothing on jetty9/solr-jetty from debian.  I 
want to set it up as it was intended from the pkgmaintainer to avoid future 
http://www.southofheaven.org/ <http://www.southofheaven.org/>
Life begins and ends with chaos, live between the chaos!

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