On 15.12.2016 20:15, Felix Natter wrote:
> Markus Koschany <a...@debian.org> writes:
>> On 11.12.2016 14:42, Felix Natter wrote:
>>> hello Debian-Java,
>>> could someone please upload freeplane-1.5.18-1 from git?
>>> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/freeplane.git
>>> It's a new upstream release (and probably the last for stretch).
>>> Many Thanks and Best Regards,
>> Uploaded.
> Hello Markus,
> thanks for the upload!
> However, there seems to be a problem due to the fact that freeplane
> 1.5.16-3 did not yet migrate to testing before we uploaded 1.5.18-1 to
> unstable:
> - https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=freeplane: should migrate in
>   7 days
> - https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/autoremovals.cgi says that freeplane
>   will be removed in 16.7 days.
> Do we need to act here?
> Many Thanks and Best Regards,

No, that's perfectly fine. Since the 5th of December packages have to
wait 10 days in unstable before they can migrate to testing. Everything
should be fine next week.



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