On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 12:26:25PM +0100, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> I aligned the post-receive hook of our Git repositories on the one used
> by the Perl Team, and it's now able to tag automatically the bugs as
> pending when a commit fixes them. It also appends a message to the bug
> with a reference to the commit.
> Here is an example:
>     https://bugs.debian.org/828451#14
> The hook detects a bug reference in the commit messages, for example:
> (Closes: #828451). It doesn't check the content of debian/changelog, so
> the reference must be included in the commit message.

While working on the freehep packages, I noticed that the automatic
tagging wasn't working.  As it turns out, there were still a few (28 of
920) repos in pkg-java not using the new post-receive hook.  18 of those
were in the freehep folder.

I have updated the stragglers so the pending tagging will work as
expected.  In addition to to the freehep packages, the following repos
were updated:

 - carrotsearch-randomizedtesting
 - compress-lzf
 - elasticsearch
 - hyperic-sigar
 - icu4j-49
 - libjoda-time-java
 - lucene4
 - netty-3
 - spatial4j-0
 - sunflow

There was nothing custom about the replaced hooks; they were either
/usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice or an earlier incarnation of the
automation hook.


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