On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 03:17:21AM +0000, nore...@alioth.debian.org wrote:
> Elana Hashman (ehashman-guest) has requested to join your project. 
> Comments by the user:
> I am working on packaging Leiningen for Debian Clojure and it would be cool 
> if I could have Alioth access so I can push git changes to the official 
> places.
> For example, I recently submitted a new libclasslojure-clojure package 
> (https://packages.debian.org/sid/main/libclasslojure-clojure) but can't 
> update https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/libclasslojure-clojure.git/

Hello Elana,

Thank you for your interest in the Debian Java Team.  Your Alioth
account is now associated with pkg-java.  Please feel to reach out via
email or IRC if you have any questions about workflows, etc.  You can
find contact information here:



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