On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 12:13:02AM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently working on updating pdfsam. As usual there are tons of new
> dependencies. I believe I can manage to package them but at the moment
> I'm stuck at SAMBox and its build-dependency fontbox.
> SAMBox is a fork of PDFBox' 2.x branch. It requires fontbox 2.0.6 which
> is part of the PDFBox package. Our package apparently tracks the older
> 1.8 branch. Is there a good reason not to upgrade to 2.x or is it just
> the usual nobody has found the time yet? The update may possibly break
> jabref, fop and tika although the latter is RC buggy anyway. I get only
> weird output from the "build-rdeps" command, so there might be even more
> reverse-dependencies.
> Alternatively I could also just package fontbox.
> Thoughts?

Hello Markus,

I think it's just that no one had gotten around to updating pdfbox.  I
see these as the reverse build dependencies:

$ reverse-depends -b libpdfbox-java
* jabref
* tika

And I'm happy to help with any porting needed for jabref and/or tika.
Maybe you start with an upload of the updated libpdfbox-java to


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