Hello Shirish,

shirish शिरीष 於 2018/10/17 上午12:23 寫道:
> Dear all,
> How do I use gradle-debian-helper ?

`gradle-debian-helper` is basically a Gradle plugin that changes every version 
in a dependency tree to simply "debian", and also let the build to search 
artifacts in `/usr/share/maven-repo` as an offline Maven repository. It's never 
meant to be used outside of Debian's build toolchain so we didn't document it 
too thoroughly.

To use the plugin manually is quite simple as using other plugins. For example:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url '/usr/share/maven-repo' }
  dependencies {
    classpath 'org.debian.gradle:gradle-helper-plugin:debian'
apply plugin: org.debian.gradle.DebianHelperPlugin

Or if you don't want to touch the build script, try using 
`/usr/share/gradle-debian-helper/init.gradle` as an init scripts. There are 
multiple ways to do it, see 

After applying the plugin, you should be able to probe Debian's Java artifacts 
on your local system. But the plugin is unable to search Debian's APT archive 
and list the packages/dependencies. This feature is yet to be implemented.

Kai-Chung Yan

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