On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 1:52 PM Thorsten Glaser <t.gla...@tarent.de> wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Oct 2018, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> > Could someone please point me to the documentation for injecting a new
> > release in git on salsa. I am specifically looking for injecting fop
> I normally do it like this:
> git checkout upstream
> git rm -rf .
> tar --strip-components=1 -xzf ../${name}_${version}.orig.tar.gz
> git add -f .
> git commit -a -S -m "import upstream version $version"
> git tag -s $name-$version    # tag the origtgz content
> git checkout master
> git merge $name-$version     # merge from that tag
> pristine-tar commit ../${name}_${version}.orig.tar.gz upstream
> dch -i
> # hack, commit, test
> git tag -s $name-$version-1  # tag the Debian package
> git push --all
> git push --tags

Thanks much for the detailed explanation. Turns out I managed to get
git-import-orig to run:


It needs to be run as:

gbp import-orig ../fop_2.3.orig.tar.gz

> //mirabilos
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