On Mon, Sep 02, 2019 at 02:18:02PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
> Hi all,
> On 02.09.19 13:14, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> > Le 30/08/2019 à 05:31, tony mancill a écrit :
> > 
> > > I use Guava often at my job, and in my experience guava updates are
> > > safe.  The updates don't cause regressions and only rarely include
> > > breaking API changes (which are trivial to port).
> > Actually, Guava updates are quite the anti-thesis of the safe upgrades.
> > Guava used to aggressively deprecate and remove features, and it broke
> > many packages in the past. The package is full of patches restoring
> > removed classes and methods. I spent so much time on these issues that I
> > basically stopped updating the package in Buster.
> > 
> > So to anyone planning to update it, please read the upstream changelog
> > carefully as it details all the breaking changes, evaluate if it impacts
> > the Debian package and be ready to restore the remove code or fix the
> > reverse dependencies.

We must have been lucky in avoiding the breaking parts during my
day-to-day work.  I still prefer the option of moving forward with the
library and patching reverse dependencies, although I haven't yet
evaluated the level of effort required and it could be significant.  I
see many invocations of ratt in my future... :)

> I had a first look and there are missing dependencies. It is not so very
> much fun to package. Also, I did not understand the motivation behind a
> few of the Debian patches. And some files to which these were applied to
> no longer exist. And there are additional (sub-)packages shipping with
> the source tree.

Sort of an aside, but the missing build-deps are the least fun part of
it for me too.  Since those packages have to go through NEW, the effort
will likely take multiple months.  And if I recall correctly from when I
last looked at this (for 23.6), the transitive build-deps tree for this
effort is non-trivial.
> On the other side, the current package is two years old. And the
> package I need it for happens to use the "Stream" class that was
> introduced only after the version currently in the archive. That does
> not sound to be a very exceptional idea. We should update that beast.
> Darn.

> What I had done in the past was to have the version as part of the
> package name. And there would be an additional package that has no
> version in its name that provides the symlinks to the versioned jar. The
> update would would then do would first update the existing package to
> provide a libguavac-java and a libguavac19.0-java package. And then
> there would be an update  to provide the packages libguavac-java and
> libguavac28?.0-java. Packages incompatible with the update would then
> need to explicitly reference the 19.0 version.

It would be nice if we could avoid this unless Guava 19 and Guava 28+
are completely incompatible with each other.  I think it's better to be
biased towards having a single, current version of the library in Debian
if we can.  But as Emmanuel alludes to, that's often easier said than
done.  And if there are significant differences in run-time behavior,
then I will reverse my position.

As a next step, how about we build a Guava 28 .deb locally (ignoring the
build-deps problem for the moment) to assess the state of the r-deps?
That should help inform us on which approach to take.  I can work on
this, although it likely will be about a week before I can start.


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