Hi Sudip,

In this case the best approach is to leave the polyglot-maven package as
is and create a new one for the new version (for example
takari-polyglot-maven). The Java package changed from
org.sonatype.pmaven to io.takari.polyglot, and the version was reverted
from 0.8 to 0.1, so treating this like a new library would match the
technical reality.

Emmanuel Bourg

Le 08/05/2020 à 15:18, Sudip Mukherjee a écrit :
> Hi All,
> I was trying to update tycho to the latest version and enable
> tycho-pomless in the process. But that will need the latest version of
> polyglot-maven. Now, polyglot-maven has moved to
> https://github.com/takari/polyglot-maven, so I took that and updated
> locally to test. With the updated polyglot-maven, gradle build fails,
> so I started looking at gradle to see if they have used the new
> polyglot-maven or not and looks like upstream gradle used it at some
> point but then reverted by
> https://github.com/gradle/gradle/commit/2ac89a4d5bb90bb180d16d41013756fb7f2cacb4.
> I am sure they reverted for some good reason and so am I correct in
> thinking that we are now stuck with the old polyglot-maven and can
> only update after upstream gradle finds some way to use it?
> If anyone wants to have a look then the update to polyglot-maven is at:
> sudip/update branch at https://salsa.debian.org/sudip/polyglot-maven

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