El d�a 03/10/2005 a 16:25 Sam Hart escribi�...

> On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 13:44 -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> > <snip> 
> > > The only reason why Gnome now seems more viable than it used to is
> > > because of all the support in the desktop environment for out-of-the-box
> > > USB devices.
> > 
> > I think KDE does, too, or is close.  I guess it depends on what exactly
> > Gnome is _doing_ with the devices.
> It's magic trickery to be sure... I never could figure it all out. All I
> know is it worked extremely well with just about any USB device I
> plugged in.

It's basically hal, dbus and related stuff the ones to blame.

> Again... a more limited interface is much better for children and
> especially in classroom or educational environments. Personally... I
> wouldn't use Gnome myself... but I can't deny I've seen it is very
> successful with people who get confused with everything available to
> them in other WM/DEs.

Now that I remember, there's a children-oriented Live CD, called
pequelin[0]. They have tweaked the GNOME menu to make it simple. Its
based on metadistros[1] IIRC.

0- http://www.pequelin.org is the official site, but seems down now
1- http://metadistros.software-libre.org/en/


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