Since doing an apt-get update/upgrade yesterday, I can no
longer log out. When I do the screen simply goes blank. I
logged into a regular test console and did a ps -ef, and
there were a bunch of Xreset and Xreset_0 processes
running... what's more, every time I would run ps again,
there would be a bunch of differect Xreset's under different
process numbers! They are respawned so fast that the only
thing I can do is reboot.

I use potato with xfree86 3.3.6, kernel 2.2.18, and kde
2.1. I always have 2 kdm sessions running on 2 displays...
in order to accomplish that a couple of the files in
/etc/X11/kdm had to be modified slightly. Do note that the
settup had been working just fine for quite some time before
yesterday, so I don't think that it's the config files,
unless they needed to be changed by yesterday's upgrade
and weren't or something. Any help here would be greatly
appreciated, as this is something of a major problem.


John Patton                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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