Hoi All!

Please Cc: your answers, I'm not on this list (yet?).

I'm running testing, but I decided that it's time to try out KDE again
after a long time.

I searched groups.google.com about this subject, and finally I pointed
my apt-get source to unstable, and did an `apt-get install task-kde'.

Everything went smoothly (ehm, debconf 0.9.10 is broken, but there's a
patch in the BTS), but when I do `startx' (I edited my ~/.xinitrc so it
contains startkde) it crashes:

(just the interesting lines)

| KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2
| KCrash: Application Name = ksplash path = <unknown>
| KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2
| KCrash: Application Name = kcminit path = <unknown>
| KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2
| KCrash: Application Name = knotify path = <unknown>
| DCOP aborting call from 'anonymous-6029' to 'knotify'
| ERROR: KUniqueApplication: DCOP communication error!
| KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2
| KCrash: Application Name = ksmserver path = <unknown>
| waiting for X server to shut down kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
| KLauncher: Exiting on signal 1

Unluckily my other apps which uses the Qt library don't work properly as
well (licq, opera).

Boys, what should I do now?

                                 None are more hopelessly enslaved than those
                                           who falsely believe they are free.

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