On Friday 14 November 2003 22:53, Jeff wrote:
> Is this possible?  I've been looking for a way to do this.  I'd like
> to be able to select a number of files and do something that makes a
> zip file with all the selected files.

You can do this with a service menu:

A simplistic approach looks like this:
[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action ZipFiles]
Name=Add files to ZIP archive
Exec=zipfiles %F

zipfiles is a script somewhere in the users path and looks like this:
cd $(dirname $1)
for infile in $@; do
    zip -r /tmp/tmp.zip $(basename $infile) > /dev/null 2>&1

Of course /tmp/tmp.zip is not very sophisticated :)
You could use kdialog --inputbox to ask for a name.


Kevin Krammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer at the Kmud Project http://www.kmud.de/

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