On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 10:54:09 +1000, Jedd wrote:

>On Wed March 31 2004 03:03 am, Ville Koivisto wrote:
> ] I've been trying to figure out how to install new window styles, such as 
> ] Aqua or Plastic, but I run into the same message every time I execute 
> ] "./configure":
> Why are you running ./configure on a Debian package?
> (Plastik is already available for Debian.)

Erm .. Ville doesn't specify which Debian release he's using, but if
he's using Woody, then AFAIK there is no Plastik package available,
and the only way to get this style is to download the source tarball
from http://www.kde-look.org and compile it yourself.

I did this successfully in January.
(see my post on 28th.Jan to this list -

> It's also worth checking out apt-get.org for other things before you
> go down the compile-it-yourself path.

I checked there, but there was no Woody Plastik package at that time

> For non-packaged apps that you want to compile yourself, you'll
> need to install the relevant -dev packages.
> $ apt-cache show x-dev 
> reveals that you probably want libx11-dev
> So install that package.
> (The intuitive process often involves the judicious use of the apt-cache
> command, specifically the 'search' and the 'show' parameters, and often
> piped through a 'grep dev'.  For example :
> $ apt-cache search x | grep dev | grep ^x

Yep - all good advice.
I have the following development packages installed, which seem
relevant :

ii  kdebase-dev    3.1.4-0woody1  KDE Base (development files)
ii  kdelibs4-dev   3.1.4-0woody1  KDE core libraries (development
ii  libjpeg62-dev  6b-5           Development files for the IJG JPEG
ii  libmng-dev     1.0.3-3        M-N-G library (Development headers)
ii  libpng-dev     1.2.1-1.1.wood PNG library - development
ii  libqt3-mt-dev  3.1.2-0woody1  Qt development files (Threaded)
ii  libstdc++2.10- 2.95.4-11woody The GNU stdc++ library (development
ii  qt3-dev-tools  3.1.2-0woody1  Qt3 development tools
ii  xlibs-dev      4.2.1-15.backp X Window System client library
development files

(I have a backport of Xfree86 4.2.1 from backports.org installed)

Good luck.
Nick Boyce
Bristol, UK
"We did a risk management review.  We concluded that there was no risk
 of any management."
 -- Hugo Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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