Op 02-06-12 17:04, Chris Hodge schreef:
The real question then, would appear to be "Why was the removal of both
akonadi-backend-mysql and mysql-server-core-5.1 required?"
It wasn't that I removed them, the removal occurred during the update process, 
presumably a missed dependency in the packaging.  My solution was to reinstall 
the packages.  Wish I could provide more detail, but I simply updated my system 
as I do every morning, not paying a lot of attention, rebooted, started KMail 
and it wouldn't run because the akonadi wouldn't start.  My systems are pretty 
much straight wheezy, no special repos other than multimedia

So gents,as original reporter I confirm also in my case installing akonadi-backend-mysql and mysql-server-core-5.5 fixed the problem. Like Chris I run dist-upgrade minimal weekly and did miss the effects of it.

Thanks for your help!


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