On Wednesday 05 March 2014 19:29:27 Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Wednesday, 2014-03-05, 19:15:50, Michael Schuerig wrote:
> > I'm looking for a way to monitor local mail notifications on my home
> > server, ie the stuff cron jobs and daemons send to root and are
> > forwarded to my user account there.
> > 
> > I'm much in favor of a lightweight solution and I've stumbled upon
> > the> 
> > approach to create a KMail Mbox account via sftp:
> >   sftp://michael@my-server:22/var/mail/michael
> > 
> > This only sort of works. KMail (or the Akonadi resource behind it)
> > read the mbox's content once, but doesn't appear to update it when
> > new messages arrive.
> There is no change notification over SFTP so you need to configure an
> interval check.
> Right click the folder, properties, retrieval (third tab, might be
> called differently, translated back from German localisation which
> calls it "Abruf").

I'm using the English locale :-) Unfortunately, setting the sync 
interval doesn't seem to have an effect. Neither does manually checking 
mail for the account or updating the folder. I only get new messages 
when I restart the corresponding agent in Akonadi Console. I can also 
trigger a sync by switching the Read-Only only option.

Incidentally, when switching read-only off, I get this curious 

  Resource My-Server is broken. This resource is now online

(I'm also regularly getting that message for my local MBox account, 
which otherwise works without a problem.)

Versions: KMail 4.11.5, Akonadi 1.11.0-1

Thanks for your comments.


Michael Schuerig

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