On Saturday 22 March 2014 09:16:15 D. R. Evans wrote:
> I noticed that the clock on my desktop machine is wandering
> significantly, even though ntpd seems to be running:
> ----
> [HN:radio] ps auxw | grep ntp
> ntp       2908  0.0  0.0  43184  1532 ?        Ss   Mar17   0:13
> /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -g -u 117:123
> n7dr     22453  0.0  0.0   7836   868 pts/5    S+   09:11   0:00 grep
> ntp [HN:radio]
> ----
> but if I go to the KDE system settings, the option under Date & Time |
> set date and time automatically is greyed out, and it is not enabled.

The Help says, this settings tells KDE to use ntpdate or rdate to set 
the clock at the start of a session. Presumably, you have installed 
neither and that may be a good thing because ntp does a more thorough 
job of keeping the clock accurate.

> What do I need to do to enable NTP properly in debian?

As far as I remember, just installing the ntp package is enough.

> (I'm used to this all happening automatically in Kubuntu, so I was
> quite surprised to discover that the clock is a couple of minutes in
> error, especially since "ps" says that ntpd is running.)

Sorry, can't help you there. As far as I can tell that is not supposed 
to happen. You might want to check /var/log/syslog for anything related 
to ntpd.


Michael Schuerig

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