On 2015-09-11, Valerio Passini <valerio.pass...@unicam.it> wrote:
> Hello. Today I've faced a problem with a widget and I needed to reset my
> plasmashell configuration, but I've been puzzled by the fact that
> configuration files seem have been moved from .kde to .config. in my home
> directory. I would like to know if all the kde plasma 5 configuration is
> now moved to .config and I can safely remove .kde because it's unnecessary.
> Thanks

There are still applications built on the kdelibs kde4 technology, and
they still use .kde.

Once you safely can remove the package libkdecore5, you will likely be
able to remove .kde.

But note that apps built with KF5 copies over their configuration on
first run, so you might want to keep it around a bit later, until you
have started all your applications.


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