On Thu, 17 Sep 2015 12:42:35 -0400
Brad Alexander <stor...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Brad,

>So kde-full, kde-standard, and the kdebase-workspace/kde-plasma packages
>are not required for kde5, and won't uninstall necessary packages? I

I don't have any of those packages installed any more (the first two
are meta-packages, anyway).  I did, however, have to install
Plasma-Desktop on one machine after the upgrade because it didn't get
installed during the upgrade.  I also had to delete ~/.config/kwin* and
~/.config/plasma* otherwise Plasma came up to a black screen.  Klipper
has been replaced with Clipboard so is no longer necessary.  Keep in
mind I'm using testing, not sid.

If you/she _need_ Digikam, you might want to hold off because, as I said,
IDK whether that will be installable after the upgrade.

>don't want to break her kde install.

I won't guarantee there will be no issues, but the upgrade should be
fairly smooth.  However, as you're talking about a Sid machine, breakage
is always a possibility.  Heeding Eike's advice could also save you a
world of hurt.

Perhaps a Sid install on the wife's machine wasn't the wisest of choices.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
We don't need no-one to tell us what's right or wrong
The Modern World - The Jam

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