On Tue, 05 Jul 2016 17:51:14 -0400
Hillel Lubman <shm...@mykolab.com> wrote:

Hello Hillel,

>I usually don't like doing it, but this time I enabled unstable in
>and run this script: http://pastie.org/10899748 to make sure all
>frameworks packages packages are at 5.23. 

On the Debian Users list there was a complaint about this Krunner issue,
so I pointed the poster (who goes by the handle/name 'Hans') at your
message to guide them.  They didn't update everything at once, but a few
packages at a time.  By a process of elimination they discovered that by
upgrading libkf5plasma5 to v5.23 from unstable seems to sort out the
problems in testing.

I've just tried it myself and it's worked so, as requested by Hans, I am
passing on the info to this list to assist anyone else that wishes to
give it a go.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I'll tell you something, I think that you should know
Rich Kids - Rich Kids

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