On Fri, 08 Jul 2016 20:41:08 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> If you don´t want to wait: Use unstable and be prepared that there also
> breakups and issues can happen. Its called unstable or sid for a reason. That 
> said, I think for following Qt/KDE packaging development in Debian it may be 
> more suitable than testing.
> If you don´t want to deal with development issues like this, use stable.
> And if you want to have a new stable version each 6 months, help making this 
> a 
> reality or switch to a different distro.

All of those are far from ideal solutions, and translate into: "KDE isn't 
really normally usable in Debian testing".
The better answer would be how it can potentially be improved. We are all here 
interested in improving Debian,
not in saying "switch to another distro or use a broken option".

> That said, I intend to train myself in not even responding to complaints like
> this any more cause that is not where I want to spend my energy.

Not sure where you saw any complaints. I was asking about what the advised 
approach is for users of testing.
Especially when some frameworks packages are stuck like this for weeks, while 
others enter and introduce breaking
incompatibilities. Since frameworks release cycle is around one month, when 
package is stuck for weeks it basically messes
the whole frameworks entry in testing (and then next upload cycle begins and 
things to add to the previous issues).

The way I see it, improvement can be achieved by providing some relation 
between packages. I.e. making sure they enter testing
all at once, and if one is stuck, other related ones wouldn't enter. This would 
ensure that frameworks all enter at once,
and users of testing would be able to continue rolling the rest of their 
system, even if frameworks are stalled.

Do you think it's a feasible solution, or it doens't fit into Debian 
methodology? Or you think frameworks shouldn't be seen as one
related set of packages? Again, to be clear this is not a complaint or rant, 
but discussion about how to improve usability of testing
rather than dismissing it as a non issue.


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