kickoff launcher -> right click menu of an item X -> add X to desktop

Now the difficulties that arise for such a basic task!:

1) The icon for X will position it self to the top left behind the plasma toolbox icon.
2) Its not easy to move the X icon
3) So we must move the plasma toolbox icon to reveal the X icon.
4) Still is not easy to move the X icon . Where to click?  The 'dam thing' doesnt move ! ..(thats how i think of it in that stage of my efforts.. a sign to me that the dam thing is broken.).
5) the right-click menu on the X icon on the desktop doesnt give me
the options i have in the kickoff menu item . Just 'setting of icon' which
leads only to keyboard shortcuts! ??

ps: I wouldnt bother to take the effort to search many kde wiki pages in order
to describe as more accurately i can my issue if i wasnt a frequent user
of KDE's desktop.


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