Middle click indeed open links in new tabs in firefox.'

So that means that middle button i guess are identified
at some level. But if you are correct i must search in
X config level to make it work?


On 12/10/19 12:31 μ.μ., Shai Berger wrote:
Hi alexandros,

On Sat, 12 Oct 2019 04:09:37 +0300
aprekates <apreka...@posteo.net> wrote:

Does anyone know how can i make middle click workas paste?

This is usually defined at the graphic system level (X or Wayland), not
KDE. For me, it has always worked "out of the box".

Does your middle mouse button work otherwise? e.g. if you middle-click
links in your web browser, do they open in a new tab?

If not, it is an indication that your mouse is misconfigured, and
middle clicks are not identified at all. Until you solve this issue,
you may set up "Press left and right buttons for middle-click" in
system-settings -> Input Devices (under Hardware) -> Mouse


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