
Using Debian testing, regularly updated (almost daily).

I have KDE set to locate windows using the "Smart" option.  For the last
week or so, I've noticed that Dolphin (maybe others, but I've not
noticed the same behaviour with other software) is now always located in
the same place.  IOW, when I open a second instance, it gets placed
exactly over the top of the existing window.  That is, 'smart' location
seems to not work.

I've looked in KDE & Dolphin settings, thinking I may well have set
something incorrectly, but without luck.  There seems to be no existing
bug reports, further leading me to think the problem is local.  I tried
setting up a new user, and found that exhibited the same behaviour.

Deleting dolphinrc didn't help.  There are no special window or
application rules for dolphin, so I'm at a loss.

Anybody have any suggestions.  Any help greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
They said we'd be artistically free, but that was on a bit of paper
Complete Control - The Clash

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