On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 11:17:07 +0100
"luca.pedrielli" <ago...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello luca.pedrielli,

>kde-config-gtk-style: amd64 4: 5.19.5-3 is installed.
>i can manually edit .config / gtk-3.0 / settings.ini and it works.

Not updated yet, because various parts (IDK exactly how many) of 5.19
didn't migrate today.  Will keep an eye open for issues when I do.

As Martin Steigerwald often reminds us, I'm waiting to ensure a full(er)
transition of parts.

For example, libkdecorations has issues that Norbert Preining tells us
are addressed in the -4 update, which hasn't transitioned to testing from
sid today.  Since 'appearance' is allied (at least verbally) to
'decoration' there might be some correlation there.  However, that is
purely supposition on my part, as I can't see a direct dependency link
between the relevant parts.

I'm always a little apprehensive when large transitions occur.  Having
just set about an upgrade (testing it out, not actually performing it),
I see that to satisfy issues, removing kde-style-oxygen-qt5 is
suggested, but as that's my preferred style, I'd rather keep it if
possible.  This too, /might/ be related to kdecorations transition.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Give me a reason for living
Call Me Up - Gang of Four

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