On vrijdag 15 april 2022 12:10:55 CEST piorunz wrote:
> You mean I can install them manually, and they will stay as manually
> installed?

Manually installed applications, or applications marked as such, are (at least 
with aptitude) treated differently.

> So only akonadi-server* kaddressbook* kde-standard* kdepim-runtime*
> kmail* knotes* korganizer* task-kde-desktop* will be gone effectively?

When you installed task-kde-desktop, that installs 'the whole bunch' and 
apparently several of them you don't want. All the parts were automatically 
installed, so removing one would remove task-kde-desktop which removes them 
all again.
So by choosing (i.e. explicitly installing (thus 'manually')) a narrower 
focused meta package and/or marking the applications that you do want as 
manually installed, then removing task-kde-desktop (or kmail f.e.) will not 
remove the whole bunch.

> Shouldn't I have task-kde-desktop installed to track all packages
> required by entire KDE? So my Testing system evolves with changing deps?

You don't want to have all packages that are part of task-kde-desktop, so that 
(meta) package was the wrong choice for you.
Each application *should* have their own (versioned) dependencies, so you 
don't need task-kde-desktop for that. 
It's not always 100% smooth though, but that's the consequence of running 
Testing. Often when 'disruptions' are expected, someone posts a message to 
this list saying so. Technically speaking they are bugs that should be fixed.


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