Le 14 octobre 2022 18:53:41 GMT+02:00, Diederik de Haas <didi.deb...@cknow.org> 
a écrit :
>On Friday, 14 October 2022 14:49:01 CEST Aurélien COUDERC wrote:
>> Alternatively you can add the following line :
>> background=/usr/share/desktop-base/active-theme/login/background.svg
>> at the end of this file :
>> /usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-breeze/theme.conf
>> until the package is fixed.
>> > >the password chars were REALLY tiny. I could still login though.
>Should the following be added to that file for the tiny char issue?

I dont know but fixing the wallpaper path also fixes the font size for me so 
I'd prefer not touching anything else if not required.

>Diffing the theme.conf files also showed this item:
>But I have no idea what that is for (and thus whether it's needed).

AFAICR it's related to remote logins and not loading all user information by 
default to avoid performance problems on the login screen.

In any case I've uploaded plasma-workspace 4:5.26.0-2 with the fix and I've 
synchronised the theme conf file with the upstream one as you suggest.

Happy hacking,

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