On Tuesday, 24 October 2023 10:51:46 CEST Cosmo wrote:
> piorunz is so incompetent that he managed to discredit the whole of Debian
> in front of one of the prominent kde project managers. Nice job 😂

Piotr didn't read/apply the whole of the Backtrace wiki page, that's their 
only 'mistake'.

You OTOH, only sent a rude, useless and patronizing reply to this list, while 
making assumptions about someone's competence.

If that wasn't bad enough, you also added to the upstream bug report:
- a rude, useless and possibly insulting message to the upstream maintainer
- instructing them to update the *community* *wiki* page wrt Debian
- assuming Nathan is unfamiliar with Debian "you, Mr. Graham, who doesn't know 
Debian at all" (another assumption, formulated quite rudely)
- while you're factually incorrect (the KDE wiki links to the Debian wiki page 
with all the needed info)

So if anything, YOU have discredited Debian.
Please refrain from doing such things in the future.

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