Maybe give a _warning_ (rather than an error) if "$rootdev = 0" but
this is not great for the case that $rootdev should be zero (see bug
#310316).  Alternativly we could wait untill after the call to
mount_root (or whatever it is) and check that a root filesystem has
been mounted on /mnt. Something like this ? $INIT would normally be
/sbin/init but if there is a kernel command line parameter to say
different then we should place that in $INIT first...

[ -x /mnt$INIT ] || ( echo "WARNING: $INIT not found on root device
major=$major minor=$minor" ; sleep 5)

Just a thought...
Alex Owen

On 22/08/05, Horms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 01:27:50PM +0100, Alex Owen wrote:
> > The bug title is still valid: "initrd-tools: Should warn if root
> > device is not found".
> > However as the discussion in bug #310316 shows checking for "$rootdev
> > = 0" is not the was to find out if the root device has been found or
> > not!
> Do you have any ideas on a valid check for no root dev?

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