On Wed, 2017-06-21 at 16:01 -0700, Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> I'd like to restart this discussion.  My understanding is that all the
> relevant infrastructure for build profiles is in place, so what's left
> is to add some text to policy documenting it.
> Is my understanding correct?  Any thoughts before I (or someone else)
> starts to port the change-based language from
> https://wiki.debian.org/BuildProfileSpec to current-state based
> language in policy?
> Kernel team, any notes from your experience using build profiles?

So far as I can remember, I found the wiki page and dpkg manual pages
sufficient when I was adding support for build profiles in src:linux.

However, I can see it has changed since I last looked and now says that
"stage1" has been deprecated.  I don't understand why this is or how
we're supposed to give this hint to bootstrapping tools now.


Ben Hutchings
Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment
                                                    - Carolyn Scheppner

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