On Sun, Nov 20, 2022, at 08:38, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:

> If that would be helpful, we have some instructions on "simple
> patching and building" the kernel with a additional patches on top
> here:
> https://kernel-team.pages.debian.net/kernel-handbook/ch-common-tasks.html#s4.2.2

I found those via another path, and used them :-) Had a few little issues along 
the way: failing to set DEBFULLNAME produces a broken changelog entry so then 
the build won't run (and leaves the tree in a broken state as well). Once I 
solved that problem I was able to make packages, but the linux-headers-common 
package didn't get produced, so I had to use --force-depends-version when 
installing the packages (which I knew was safe since the headers had not 

I now have the patched kernel in operation and should know whether the problem 
is solved in 24-48 hours.

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