On Fri, 29 Apr 2022 22:27:27 +0200 Salvatore Bonaccorso <car...@debian.org> wrote:
In meanwhile the current state of NTFS3 driver has been discussed
upstream starting in

You're well aware that this discussion ENDED IN early _MAY 2022_ ?!? If your arguments repeatedly cite ancient statements their validity is at least questionable.

In the meanwhile we are on Linux 6.0.12, and NTFS3 is still not enabled. Just to make it clear: enabling NTFS3 will NOT change any existing usage of ntfs3-ng, it just creates a new possibility to increase the performance of using ntfs3 partitions. I am glad that on my production server I have Arch Linux, which enabled NTFS3 in their kernel with 5.15.2, and it ist running performant and rock stable. I would appreciate to be able to use this driver also on my Debian Testing system, but am still waiting in vain for many months to see this come true.



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