Hey Salvatore.

On Wed, 2023-02-15 at 07:12 +0100, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> Just to be sure, that I understood you correctly. That is if on the
> current system with the issue you roll back just only the kernel back
> to 6.1.8-1, then the issue dissaper? 

Exactly, and the roll back even only in the sense of just booting the
previous one (I do not even reinstall packages or so).

> If this is the case, would you be testing as well directly 6.1.8 and
> 6.1.11 upstream (please do as well 6.1.12, 6.1.12-1 though just
> uploaded to unstable earlier today), and if reproducible, bisect the
> changes between the two versions to find the introducing bad commit?

I've tested 6.1.12 in the meantime, ... still has the problem.

In fact it seems as if any changes I make with the synclient tool to
the relevant settings e.g.:
$ synclient MinSpeed=0.5 MaxSpeed=1.5 AccelFactor=0.5
have no longer any effect at all.

Even if I set extreme values, nothing seems to change.

I've also taken the src:linux package (as of 6.1.12) recompiled it just
That seemed the most promising one, despite me NOT having an HP
notebook (which that commit is allegedly about, but rather a Fujitsu).

But no change with that.

If you want me to test 6.1.8/12 upstream... is it enough to simply take
the Debian source packages and unapply any Debian patches?
I'm always quite reluctant of taking any code which I cannot properly
verify myself (and I don't trust github or https enough ;-) )


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