On 6/18/07, Holger Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Package: initramfs-tools
Version: 0.88
Severity: normal

After apt-get update/upgrade initramfs-tools failed in postinstall
when attempting to call "mktemp" which is not installed on the system.

There is something unusual on your system, because all the required packages
must be installed.

Installing mktemp package and reconfiguring initramfs-tools solved
the problem.
This seems to be a missing dependency of the package.

There is no need for a dependency because the package 'mktemp' has the
'required' priority.

$ apt-cache show mktemp
Package: mktemp
Essential: yes
Priority: *required*
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 24
Maintainer: Clint Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1.5-2
Replaces: debianutils (<< 2.16)

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