On Mon, 2007-07-30 at 20:41 +0200, Stephane Louise wrote:
> Bonjour Ben, merci pour le suivit.
> Benjamin Herrenschmidt a écrit :
> > Does this happen also without radeonfb and with X alone using the X
> > "radeon" driver ?
> Yes, unless I misunderstand you. I tried several options at the yaboot 
> prompt (nofb or video=of), and speaking of Xorg, I don't use the 
> UseFBDev for X11 since it rarely works with LCD panels (same with the 
> Apple 20" and the Samsung 206, most of the valid resolutions don't work 
> with UseFBDev).

Just to make sure I understand properly: with video=ofonly and X with
the config below, you still get a black screen ? It looks like the
monitor powers off right ? I saw that with issues with Apple doing
non-kosher things with the DDC line but we had that fixed long ago...


> Here are my device and monitor sections of xorg.conf:
> Section "Device"
>          Identifier      "ATI Technologies, Inc. RV280 [Radeon 9200]"
>          Driver          "radeon"
>          BusID           "PCI:0:16:0"
>          Option          "UseFBDev"              "false"
>          Option          "AGPMode"               "4"
>          Option          "AGPFastWrite"          "true"
>          Option          "ReverseDDC"            "true"
>          Option          "PanelSize"             "1680x1050"
>          Option          "AccelMethod"           "XAA"
>          Option          "AccelDFS"              "on"
>          Option          "EnablePageFlip"        "true"
>          Option          "ColorTiling"           "on"
>          Option          "EnableDepthMoves"      "true"
>          Option          "RenderAccel"           "true"
>          Option          "DRI"                   "true"
>          Option          "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
>          Identifier      "Apple Cinema Display 20"
>          Option "MonitorLayout" "TMDS,NONE"
>          Option          "DPMS"
>          HorizSync       28-68
>          VertRefresh     60
>          DisplaySize     434 270
>          Option "DPMS"
>          ModeLine "1680x1050" 119.06 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 
> 1080 +HSync -VSync
>          Modeline "1280x800" 67.26 1280 1312 1560 1592 800 817 824 841
>          Modeline "1024x640" 51.90 1024 1056 1248 1280 640 653 660 673
>          Modeline "800x500" 30.98 800 832 944 976 500 510 515 526
> EndSection
> Tell me if I can do something else to help.

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