Forwarding to debian-kernel for consideration.

On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 11:11:44PM -0800, David Miller wrote:
> The patch:
>       debian/patches/bugfix/sparc/arch_pci_hostcontroller_workaround.patch
> causes ultra45 (and other PCI-Express based workstations) to
> hard reset when the PCI bus is initially scanned by the kernel.
> Please revert this patch from the debian kernel in Lenny and
> anywhere else it appears.
> The code in that patch creating dummy PCI root host controller nodes
> is wrong and does nothing other than cause trouble.  If it fixes some
> problem with the X server for PCI devices on sparc64 that problem
> needs to be fixed some other way.
> Thank you.

I believe that we are just a few days from Lenny release, so uploading 
a new kernel and rebuilding debian-installer might not be an option 
at this point, unfortunately. The best we can probably do is include 
the fixed kernel in the point release, but that's up to kernel team 
to decide. 

Thanks for pointing it out, David.
Jurij Smakov                                 
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