* Ben Hutchings [091024 20:15 +0100]
> On Sat, 2009-10-24 at 20:38 +0200, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> > There is no trouble to be saved. We are providing the newest alsa
> > driver sources so that they can be build with whatever 2.6 kernel
> > you want.
> Well that's nice for people who are using Debian stable, but doesn't
> answer why this belongs in Debian testing/unstable.

Well, 2.6.30 provides alsa 1.0.20. The Debian alsa-source package
1.0.21 provides many improvments, optimizations and new drivers.

> > This is the intention of the alsa developers as well. So
> > FMPOV the Debian kernel maintainers have to cooperate with that idea
> > too.
> No, we don't.  Upgrading drivers outside the kernel image package is a
> really bad idea because:
> 1. Most users never install those driver packages, so they don't get the
> benefit

Many users want the actual drivers of alsa. The hardware development
is much faster than the Debian kernel maintainers can follow up. So
you need our support ;-)

> 2. The driver package can fall behind the kernel package, but will still
> be used in preference to the version in the kernel package

alsa-source is most newer than the Debian kernel provides.

> 3. Users can report bugs against the kernel and it won't be obvious that
> they're using a different version of the driver

The Debian Kernel is used to be stable. This is what stable means by
its word and not what users want.

> 4. Duplicated code makes the security team unhappy

There is no code duplicated. The alsa-source is meant to be the same
as provided with vanilla.

> If there are specific new drivers, bug fixes or device id updates that
> should be added to a stable release, please let us know and we can
> update the kernel package.

Hmm, patch as patch can? This is not the way Linux is alive from.

> > > Also, please get rid of linux-sound-base because OSS is dead.
> > 
> > You are a only forward looking hacker. We want to provide this to
> > older versions too.
> >
> > Please have a look at the Debian kernel patches for the reaseon why
> > alsa-source package doesn't build against the Debian kernels but to
> > the stock ones. Try talking to your co-maintainers ;-)
> We talk on a regular basis and no-one seems to think this is a bug in
> the kernel header packages.  The alsa-source build system is doing
> something strange and wrong.

So you must be able to point out why Debians alsa-source builds
against stock kernels and not against Debian ones, please.

Thanks for cooperation


  It's a good thing we don't get all 
  the government we pay for.

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