On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 11:10 -0600, dann frazier wrote:
> > 2. Severities
> > 
> > Many submitters believe that their bug meets one of the following
> > criteria for high severity.  We interpret them as follows and will
> > downgrade as appropriate:
> Though infrequent, we do sometimes need to "upgrade" severities as
> well. Maybe we can say "adjust as appropriate" vs. downgrade? I know
> this section is about bloated severities, but it might work better as
> a "here's how we interpret severities" section.


> > 3. Tagging
> > 
> > We do not use user-tags, but in order to aid bug triage we should:
> > 
> > * Add 'moreinfo' whenever we are waiting for a response from the
> >   submitter and remove it when we are not.
> > * Add 'upstream', 'fixed-upstream', 'patch', 'help' where appropriate
> You could also add 'forwarded' to this list - though, you might also
> be able to do away with this bullet and complete this section with
> "other tags should be used as defined by the bug tracking system"
> instead of calling out well-defined tags.

I'll do that.

> > * Not add 'unreproducible', since bugs are commonly hardware-dependent
> Though, sometimes bugs aren't hardware dependent - and unreproducible
> makes sense. Maybe "Not add 'unreproducible' in cases where the bug
> maybe hardware dependent"?


> > 5. Testing by submitter
> > 
> > Depending on the technical sophistication of the submitter and the
> > service requirements of the system in question (e.g. whether it's a
> > production server) we can request one or more of the following:
> > 
> > * Gathering more information passively (e.g. further logging, reporting
> >   contents of files in procfs or sysfs)
> > * Upgrading to the current stable/stable-proposed-updates/
> >   stable-security version, if it includes a fix for a similar bug
> > * Adding debug or fallback options to the kernel command line or
> >   module parameters
> > * Installing the unstable [or backports?] version temporarily
> > * Rebuilding and installing the kernel with a specific patch added
> >   [I think we should add a script to the source to make this easier]
> > 
> > When a bug occurs in what upstream considers the current or previous
> > stable release, and we cannot fix it, we ask the submitter to report it
> > upstream at bugzilla.kernel.org under a specific Product and Component,
> > and to tell us the upstream bug number.  We do not report bugs directly
> > because follow-up questions from upstream need to go to the submitter,
> > not to us.  Given the upstream bug number, we mark the bug as forwarded.
> > bts-link then updates its status.
> We tried to capture a lot of the common user-triage processes here:
>  http://wiki.debian.org/DebianKernelReportingBugs
> Maybe we could update that/reference it in this doc?

I'll try to merge the two.

> > 6. Keeping bugs separate
> > 
> > Many submitters search for a characteristic error message and treat this
> > as indicating a specific bug.  This can lead to many 'me too' follow-ups
> > where, for example, the message indicates a driver bug and the second
> > submitter is using a different driver from the original submitter.  We
> > should try to respond to such a follow-up quickly, requesting a separate
> > bug report.  Otherwise the original report is likely to turn into a mess
> > of conflicting information about two or more different bugs.
> >
> > Where the original report describes more than one bug ('...and other
> > thing...'), we should clone it and deal with each separately.
> It might be valuable to just close any bugs that have gotten
> confusing overtime and clone a new bug for each *real* issue described
> within, with a good explanation that helps prevent confusion.
> BUG".

Another option may be to use the new 'summary' command


Ben Hutchings
I'm always amazed by the number of people who take up solipsism because
they heard someone else explain it. - E*Borg on alt.fan.pratchett

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