
I have a big problem with my wifi chipset on Debian 64.
To configure my wifi, i installed the package "firmware-realtek" to install
the firmware for my chipset wifi = realtek 8192e.

After to install the firmware and wireless-tools/wpasupplicant, i edit
"interface" file in /etc/network like this :
auto wlan0
iface wlan0
wpa-ssid "Network_Name"
wpa-psk "Password"

and i launch this  command : ifup wlan0.

On Debian i686, after to launch this latest command, i haven't problems and
the wifi works correctly.
But, on Debian amd64, when i launch this command, i have a kernel panic and
i understand why.

I don't know how find the log for the kernel panic but i take the kern.log
after to boot on Ubuntu Live CD  (only for my chipet wifi) :

Thanks for your help,

PS : I'm french, sorry for my english

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