08.04.2011 15:13, maximilian attems wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Mar 2011, Michael Tokarev wrote:
>> +    for link in $(${BUSYBOXDIR}/busybox --list-full 2>/dev/null); do
>> +            if [ ! -e "${DESTDIR}/$link" ]; then
>> +                    [ -d "${DESTDIR}/${link%/*}" ] || mkdir -p 
>> "${DESTDIR}/${link%/*}"
>> +                    ln -s /bin/busybox "${DESTDIR}/$link"
>> +            fi
>> +    done
> hmmmm
> Care to explain the "beauty" of aboves compared to STANDALONE_SHELL
> simplicity?

Yes, easily.  The above way we can control which implementations
are used.  With CONFIG_STANDALONE_SHELL (which this whole thing
tries to remove) if something is built into busybox it gets
executed, no matter if the actual utility may be not from busybox.

Consider for example module-init-tools - if I enable modprobe in
busybox it will be used no matter which implementation you actually
put into initramfs.

It is also quite unnatural, so to say, - to provide an utility with
some extended arguments/features and wonder why it fails when you
run it in initramfs or whatever else busybox is used.

Note the patch above creates links to busybox only when there's
no alternative implementation already available in initramfs.
In other words, it gives us a choice -- either use busybox
implementation or whatever else user may have wish to use.

Later on, continuing modprobe example again, we can make
module-init-tools initramfs hook optional (conditional),
controlled by presense of busybox and a configuration
variable for example.

That's the whole reason of the change - to make busybox
to act as any other regular command does, and provide
what a user actually expects.



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