Saturday, January 21, 2012 4:17 AMJonathan Nieder wrote:

>Cyril Brulebois wrote:
>> Jonathan Nieder <> (21/01/2012):
>>>> After logging into GNOME, I started getting LOTS of
>>>> [  239.494761] [drm:intel_prepare_page_flip] *ERROR* Prepared flip multiple
>>>> times
>>>> in kernel log repeated ever few microseconds.

Already fixed 2 weeks ago...

>>> Kernel log = kernel bug. :)  Reassigning.
>> No. Please don't waste our time.
>Sorry to waste your time.  My tongue was in cheek when I said "kernel
>log = kernel bug", and I apologize for that.
>However, I fear I must have committed some other offense on top of
>that.  Could you elaborate so I know what not to do again?

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