On Mon, 2013-05-20 at 09:12 +0200, nobswolf wrote:
> Although this problem is not kernel related I leave the solution here
> for completeness:
> For some reason a manual update of GRUB was needed, so ...
> update-grub
> grub-install ...
> ... solved the problem.

A kernel installation should run update-grub anyway, so running that
only 'solves the problem' until the next security update that doesn't
get properly installed.

Have you moved the /boot partition on this system in the last year or
so?  (The kernel you were running, Debian version 2.6.32-41, dates from
January 2012.)

Assuming you're using GRUB 2, what does 'debsums -a grub-pc' say?


Ben Hutchings
friends: People who know you well, but like you anyway.

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