On 15019 March 1977, Julien Cristau wrote:

>> And for the list: Assuming worst case, we don't get that machine back
>> (to at least dump the database), whats needed to get a replacement
>> service up and running, something where we can fetch data again?

The ddtp2 VM got back up now, thanks to Andreas/Thomas figuring that

>> I understand that someone is working with DSA on making this a proper
>> .debian.org hosted service, how's that going?
> Assuming we're talking about DDTP, this is blocked on us standing up a
> VM.  RT#7061.

Yes, thats what we are talking about. Whats a realistic timeframe for
DSA to get such a VM up and running? With the old place being up again
its a good point to copy over data and make it run on .d.o with all the
niceties around that it brings.

bye, Joerg

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