u...@net9.ga wrote:
> Regarding section 3.2.5, Assigning A New Value To A Variable, at 
> https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-using-script-fu-tutorial-identifier.html .

(Packaged in gimp-help-en)

> Is it correct that an average native English reader that reads
>     Note
>     The "\" indicates that there is no line break. Ignore it (don't
>     type it in your Script-Fu console and don't hit Enter), just
>     continue with the next line.
> would think there is one, or more, "\" characters at that web page?

Yes.  I immediately looked at the example where it says

        (let* ( (theNum 10) ) (set! theNum (+ theNum theNum)) )

thinking "backslash?  Where?" - it turns out, the answer is that there
*used* to be a backslash there in very old versions of gimp-help-en.
Grabbing a 2007 snapshot.debian.org copy of version 2.4.0-1 I find it

        (let* ( (theNum 10) ) (set! theNum (+ theNum \
                theNum)) )

So I don't know quite what the fix is.  Maybe the explanation of
backslashes should move to section 3.4.5, where some still occur?
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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