Hello Thaddeus,
On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 06:33:15PM +0000, Thaddeus H. Black wrote:
> Question, please.  Though I have been a Debian Developer since 2005,
> today brings my first contact with translators.  Besides German, which
> translation teams should I contact?  Do you know?
> I assume that teams like the German and French have greater
> translation capacity than, say, the Slovak or Finnish have.
> This is why I ask.

That's a little hard to gauge. Even teams with low man power might
focus on specific parts of the translation realm and might be active
for certain translation tasks.

If you need numbers, the best I know are
https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/ where you can see various
types of ranking (e.g. for Debconf Message, PO translations etc.). But
please note that there is no single team for each language. Many
projects have their own (dedicated) translators / teams, e.g. GNOME,
KDE, LibreOffice and many more. It's quire heterogeneous.

So your best bet is probably to use podebconf-report-po(1) (yes, it
can nicely be used for any po based translations, see the man page)
and ask on debian-i18n for translations and see what you get.

Btw. your German is quite good for a non-native speaker, but still
below the level native speakers would use and expect. 



      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
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