Hallo Mitübersetzer,
im Anhang ist nun der zweite Teil der Vorlage mit 44 Zeichenketten.
Kommentare, Korrekturen und Verbesserungsvorschläge sind willkommen.
Viele Grüße,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<d>"
msgstr "B<d>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "\"down\": The rank (row) number, starting with 0."
msgstr "»abwärts«: Die Zeilennummer, mit 0 beginnend."

#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<a>"
msgstr "B<a>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "\"across\": The file (column) number, starting with 0."
msgstr "»seitwärts«: Die Spaltennummer, beginnend mit 0."

#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<%>"
msgstr "B<%>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "The per cent character (%)."
msgstr "Das Prozent-Zeichen »%«."

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"The number between the % and the conversion specifier is the precision and "
"is required.  It says how many characters of the file name are described by "
"that conversion.  The rank or file number is filled with leading zeroes as "
msgstr ""
"Die Zahl zwischen dem »%«-Zeichen und dem Umsetzungskennzeichner ist die "
"Genauigkeit. Deren Angabe ist erforderlich und beschreibt, wie viele Zeichen "
"vom Dateiname mit dieser Umsetzung beschrieben sind. Die Zeilen- und "
"Spaltennummern werden, wenn nötig, mit führenden Nullen aufgefüllt."

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"So the example B<tile_%2d_%2a.ppm> means to get the name of the file that "
"contains the tile at Rank 0, File 5, you:"
msgstr ""
"Das Beispiel B<tile_%2d_%2a.ppm> bedeutet damit, dass Sie um den "
"Namen der Datei zu erhalten, welche die Kachel der Zeile 0 und der Spalte 5 "
"enthält wie folgt vorgehen:"

#. type: IP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\(bu"
msgstr "\\(bu"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"replace the \"%2d\" with the rank number, as a 2 digit decimal number: \"00\""
msgstr ""
"die »%2d« durch die Zeilennummer als zweistellige Dezimalzahl "
"ersetzen: »00«"

# FIXME Replace → replace
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Replace the \"%2a\" with the file number, as a 2 digit decimal number: \"05\""
msgstr ""
"die »%2a« durch die Spaltennummer als zweistellige Dezimalzahl "
"ersetzen: »05«"

# FIXME B<pamdice> → B<pamdice>(1)
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Note that this pattern describes file names that B<pamdice> produces, except "
"that the precision may be more or less.  (B<pamdice> uses however many "
"digits are required for the highest numbered image)."
msgstr ""
"Beachten Sie, dass dieses Muster Dateinamen beschreibt, die B<pamdice>(1) "
"erzeugt. Nur die Genauigkeit kann größer oder kleiner sein. (B<pamdice>(1) "
"verwendet die Anzahl an Stellen, die für das Bild mit der höchsten "
"Nummerierung erforderlich ist)."

#. type: SH
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONEN"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"In addition to the options common to all programs based on libnetpbm\n"
"(most notably B<-quiet>, see \n"
"E<.UR index.html#commonoptions>\n"
" Common Options\n"
"\\&), B<pamundice> recognizes the following\n"
"command line options:\n"
msgstr ""
"Zusätzlich zu den Optionen, die alle auf libnetpbm-basierenden Programme\n"
"gemeinsam haben (insbesondere B<-quiet>, siehe \n"
"E<.UR index.html#commonoptions> gemeinsame Optionen E<.UE>), akzeptiert "
"B<pamundice> die folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen:\n"

#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-across=>I<N>"
msgstr "B<-across=>I<N>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"This is the number of tiles across in the grid, i.e. the number of tiles in "
"each rank, or the number of files."
msgstr ""
"Dies ist die Anzahl der Kacheln in der Horizontalen, d.h. die Anzahl der "
"Kacheln pro Zeile, oder die Anzahl der Dateien."

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "Default is 1."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung ist 1."

#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-down=>I<N>"
msgstr "B<-down=>I<N>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"This is the number of tiles up and down in the grid, i.e. the number of "
"tiles in each file, or the number of ranks."
msgstr ""
"Dies ist die Anzahl der Zeilen in der Senkrechten, d.h. die Anzahl "
"der Kacheln pro Datei, oder die Anzahl der Zeilen."

#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-hoverlap=>I<pixels>"
msgstr "B<-hoverlap=>I<Pixel>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"This is the amount in pixels to overlap the tiles horizontally.  "
"B<pamundice> clips this much off the right edge of every tile before joining "
"it to the adjacent image to the right.  The tiles along the right edge "
"remain whole."
msgstr ""
"Dies ist die Anzahl der Pixel, in der die Kacheln horizontal überlappen. "
"B<pamundice> schneidet von jeder Kachel diese Anzahl von Pixeln auf der "
"rechten Seite ab, bevor sie an das benachbarte Bild rechts angefügt wird. "
"Die Kacheln entlang der rechten Seite bleiben komplett."

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "There must not be any input image narrower than this."
msgstr "Keines der Eingabebilder darf schmaler als diese Anzahl sein."

# FIXME B<pamdice> → B<pamdice>(1)
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Note that this undoes the effect of the same B<-hoverlap> option of "
msgstr ""
"Beachten Sie, dass dies den Effekt der gleichen Option B<-hoverlap> "
"von B<pamdice>(1) rückgängig macht."

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "Default is zero -- no overlap."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung ist Null, keine Überlappung."

#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-voverlap=>I<pixels>"
msgstr "B<-voverlap=>I<Pixel>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"This is analogous to B<-hoverlap>, but B<pamundice> clips the bottom edge of "
"each image before joining it to the one below."
msgstr ""
"Dies ist analog zu B<-hoverlap>, nur dass B<pamundice> die untere Kante "
"jedes Bildes abschneidet, bevor es an das Bild darunter angefügt wird."

#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-listfile=>I<filename>"
msgstr "B<-listfile=>I<Dateiname>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"This option names a file that contains the names of all the input files.  "
"This is an alternative to specifying a file name pattern as an argument."
msgstr ""
"Diese Option benennt eine Datei, die alle Namen der Eingabedateien "
"beinhaltet. Dies ist die Alternative zur Angabe eines Musters für Dateinamen "
"als ein Argument."

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The named file contains file name, one per line.  Each file contains the\n"
"  image for one tile, in row-major order, top to bottom, left to right.  So\n"
"  the first file is the upper left tile, the second is the one to right of\n"
"  that, etc.  The number of lines in the file must be equal to the number of\n"
"  tiles in the output, the product of the B<-across> and B<-down>\n"
"  values.\n"
msgstr ""
"Die angegebene Datei enthält einen Dateinamen pro Zeile. Jede Datei enthält\n"
"  das Bild einer Kachel. Die Reihenfolge ist Zeile für Zeile, von oben nach\n"
"  unten, von links nach rechts. Damit enthält die erste Datei die Kachel\n"
"  oben links, die zweite Datei die Kachel rechts davon und so weiter. Die\n"
"  Anzahl der Zeilen in der Datei muss gleich der Anzahl der Kacheln in der\n"
"  Ausgabe sein, dem Produkt der Werte von B<-across> und B<-down>.\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"The file names have no meaning to B<pamundice>.  You can use the same\n"
"  file multiple times to have identical tiles in the output.\n"
msgstr ""
"Die Dateinamen sind für B<pamundice> bedeutungslos. Sie können die selbe\n"
"  Datei mehrfach verwenden, um identische Kacheln in der Ausgabe zu\n"
"  erhalten.\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "This option was new in Netpbm 10.90 (March 2020)."
msgstr "Diese Option ist in Netpbm 10.90 (März 2020) hinzugekommen."

#. type: TP
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-verbose>"
msgstr "B<-verbose>"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "Print information about the processing to Standard Error."
msgstr ""
"Gibt Ausgaben über die Verarbeitung auf der Standardfehlerausgabe aus."

#. type: SH
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "HISTORY"

# FIXME B<pnmcat> → B<pnmcat>(1)
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm fedora-41 fedora-rawhide
msgid ""
"B<pamundice> was new in Netpbm 10.39 (June 2007).  Before that, B<pnmcat> is "
"the best substitute."
msgstr ""
"B<pamundice> ist in Netpbm 10.39 (Juni 2007) hinzugekommen. Davor war "
"B<pnmcat>(1) der beste Ersatz."

#. type: SH
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "SIEHE AUCH"

# FIXME May be include B<pnmstitch>(1) which is mentioned above
# FIXME missing comma
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm fedora-41 fedora-rawhide
msgid ""
"B<pamdice>(1)  \\&, B<pnmcat>(1)  \\&, B<pnmindex>(1)  \\&, B<pnmtile>(1)  "
"\\&, B<pnm>(1)  \\& B<pam>(1)  \\&"
msgstr ""
"B<pamdice>(1), B<pnmcat>(1), B<pnmindex>(1), B<pnmtile>(1), "
"B<pnm>(1), B<pam>(1)"

#. type: SH
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML "
"source.  The master documentation is at"
msgstr ""
"Diese Handbuchseite wurde vom Netpbm-Werkzeug »makeman« aus der HTML-Quelle "
"erstellt. Das Hauptdokument befindet sich unter"

#. type: Plain text
#: debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-41 fedora-rawhide opensuse-leap-16-0
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "B<http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pamundice.html>"
msgstr "B<http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pamundice.html>"

# FIXME B<pamcat> → B<pamcat>(1)
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-unstable opensuse-leap-16-0 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"An alternative to join images in a single direction (i.e. a single rank or a "
"single file) is B<pamcat>.  B<pamcat> gives you more flexibility than "
"B<pamundice> in identifying the input images: you can supply them on "
"Standard Input or as a list of arbitrarily named files."
msgstr ""
"B<pamcat>(1) ist eine Alternative, Bilder in eine Richtung (d.h. zu einer "
"horizontalen Reihe oder einer vertikalen Spalte) zusammenzufügen. "
"B<pamcat>(1) bietet Ihnen eine größere Flexibilität in der Benennung der "
"Eingabebilder als B<pamundice>. Sie können sie auf der Standardeingabe "
"einspeisen, oder als eine Liste beliebig benannter Dateien zur Verfügung "

# FIXME B<pnmcat> → B<pnmcat>(1)
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-unstable opensuse-leap-16-0 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"B<pamundice> was new in Netpbm 10.39 (June 2007).  Before that, B<pamcat> is "
"the best substitute."
msgstr ""
"B<pamundice> ist in Netpbm 10.39 (Juni 2007) hinzugekommen. Davor war "
"B<pnmcat>(1) der beste Ersatz."

# FIXME May be include B<pnmstitch>(1) which is mentioned above
# FIXME missing comma
#. type: Plain text
#: debian-unstable
msgid ""
"B<pamdice>(1)  \\&, B<pamcat>(1)  \\&, B<pnmindex>(1)  \\&, B<pnmtile>(1)  "
"\\&, B<pnm>(1)  \\& B<pam>(1)  \\&"
msgstr ""
"B<pamdice>(1), B<pamcat>(1), B<pnmindex>(1), B<pnmtile>(1), "
"B<pnm>(1), B<pam>(1)"

# FIXME May be include B<pnmstitch>(1) which is mentioned above
# FIXME missing comma
#. type: Plain text
#: opensuse-leap-16-0 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"B<pamdice>(1)  \\&, B<pamcat>(1)  \\&, B<pnmindex>(1)  \\&, B<pnmtile>(1)  "
"\\&, B<pnm>(5)  \\& B<pam>(5)  \\&"
msgstr ""
"B<pamdice>(1), B<pamcat>(1), B<pnmindex>(1), B<pnmtile>(1), "
"B<pnm>(5), B<pam>(5)"

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Description: PGP signature

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